
Portfolio Production

For hand in I have mocked up my labels onto wine bottles and presented them digitally. I will also present my brochure digitally. When I start my portfolio production I will print out the labels and apply them to the bottles, I will organise with a photographer to get the bottles professionally shot. I will also get my brochure printed out ready for my final show. All this work will feature in my portfolio.

How did it go?

I feel like the project has went well. I am happy with my time management and completion of deadlines. It got slightly tough towards the end of the project as I had to create more work to show off editorial and typography. As I planed my time correctly I had time spare to fix certain aspects.

Are you happy with your finals?

I am very happy with my finals. I like the look my bottles have and the way it presents the wine. I like the colour scheme and how subtle it is. I am happy with the way my brochure has turned out. As it was something I did late on it was important that I stayed focused and completed it to a high standard.

If I done the project again what would I do differently?

I would concentrate more on the brief and make sure my concepts fully include typography and editorial. Apart from that I feel like I wouldn’t do anything else differently. I enjoyed the process I took in the project and for that reason I wouldn’t change it.

Three targets for portfolio production:

  1. Apply labels to a physical bottle and arrange to get photographed.
  2. Plan which work needs more improvement.
  3. Research into other designers portfolios for inspiration.

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