
What do you want/need to improve on? What didn’t go well last time that you want to fix this time?

In the last project I struggled a bit with planning. There were some days I spent an hour or so figuring out what I had to achieve that day. The solution for this is to simply make a time plan and stick to it. Something that I can look at every time I’m in and know what I have to crack on with.

What went really well and you want to repeat?

In the last project I got in touch with a photographer which enabled my work to look more professional. In this project I want to do the same so I will repeat the emails I sent to him and organise some time in with him to get some shots done.

I was also successful at completing my work on time. Its important that I keep to a good pace and make sure I get it done before the hand in day. I like to get done before then hand in day so it enables me to make some las minute changes on the day rather than handing it in and saying to myself what if I changed this and that.


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